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General Description

Glucomedix Pitch Deck

Enula is a proprietary blend of the extracts of two plants: Elecampane (Inula helenium), and Jalapa (Ipomoea Jalapa).  Elecampane contains inulin which helps promote beneficial intestinal bacteria. This is very important since 70% of the immune system is located in the digestive system. Studies have also shown two other active ingredients in elecampane, alantolactone, and isoalantolactone, to be useful in treating parasites, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, and threadworm; this research supports the traditional use of elecampane to treat digestive disorders and parasitic infections. Many practitioners have noted that Enula is effective against certain species of Babesia, a parasite commonly associated with Borreliosis (Lyme disease).

Some Reported Medicinal Properties





Research On NutraMedix Product

In vitro – Lyme Disease

Priyanka A.S. Theophilus M.S., Eva Sapi Ph.D. (2013). In Vitro Effect of Peruvian Antimicrobial Agents on Borrelia burgdorferi. Full Article


An acute oral toxicity study was conducted by the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador concluding that Banderol did not produce toxic effects, thus the product is considered practically innocuous for humans when administered in the acute form. Therefore; studies of acute toxicity at higher doses in humans are not necessary. Full Article

Medical Conditions [peer-reviewed journals]

Atopic dermatitis

Wang, Q., Gao, S., Wu, G. Z., Yang, N., Zu, X. P.,Li, W. C., ... & Zhang, W. D. (2018). Total sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Inula helenium L. attenuates 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene-induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in mice. Phytomedicine. Full Article


Zhang, B., Zeng, J., Yan, Y., Yang, B., Huang, M.,Wang, L., ... & Lin, N. (2018). Ethyl acetate extract from Inula helenium L. inhibits the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells by regulating the STAT3/AKT pathway. Molecular medicinereports, 17(4), 5440-5448. Full Article

Koc, K., Ozdemir, O., Ozdemir, A., Dogru, U.,& Turkez, H. (2018). Antioxidant and anticancer activities of extract of Inula helenium (L.) in human U-87 MG glioblastoma cell line. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics, 14(3),658. Full Article


Christy, A. O., Mojisola, C. O. C., Taiwo, E. O., & Ola, O. O. (2016). The antimalaria effect of Momordica charantia L. and Mirabilis jalapa leaf extracts using animal model. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 10(24), 344-350. Full Article

Pancreatic cancer

Zhang, B., Zeng, J., Yan, Y., Yang, B., Huang, M.,Wang, L., ... & Lin, N. (2018). Ethyl acetate extract from Inula helenium L. inhibits the proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells by regulating the STAT3/AKT pathway. Molecular medicine reports, 17(4), 5440-5448. Full Article

Psychophysiological disorders

Sowndhararajan, K., Cho, H., Yu, B., Song, J.,& Kim, S. (2016). Effect of inhalation of essential oil from Inula helenium L. root on electroencephalographic (EEG) activity of the human brain. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 8(4), 453-457. Full Article

Rheumatoid arthritis

Gao, S., Wang, Q., Tian, X. H., Li, H. L., Shen, Y. H., Xu, X. K., ... & Zhang, W. D. (2017). Total sesquiterpene lactones prepared from Inula helenium L. has potentials in prevention and therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 196, 39-46. Full Article

Various conditions

Zia-Ul-Haq, M., Riaz, M., & Feo, V. D. (2012). Ipomea hederacea Jacq.: a medicinal herb with promising health benefits. Molecules, 17(11), 13132-13145. Full Article

Medicinal Properties [peer-reviewed journals]


Li, Y., Ni, Z. Y., Zhu, M. C.,Dong, M., Wang, S. M., Shi, Q. W., ... & Cong, B. (2012). Antitumour activities of sesquiterpene lactones from Inula helenium and Inula japonica. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 67(7-8), 375-380. Full Article

Dorn, D. C., Alexenizer, M., Hengstler, J. G., & Dorn, A. (2006). Tumor cell specific toxicity of Inula helenium extracts. Phytotherapy Research:An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Natural Product Derivatives, 20(11), 970-980. Full Article

Adjunct to Chemotherapy

Seo, J. Y., Park, J., Kim, H. J., Lee,I. A., Lim, J. S., Lim, S. S., ... & Kim, J. S. (2009). Isoalantolactone from Inula helenium caused Nrf2-mediated induction of detoxifying enzymes. Journal of medicinal food,12(5), 1038-1045. Full Article


Park, E. J., Kim, Y. M., Park, S. W.,Kim, H. J., Lee, J. H., Lee, D. U., & Chang, K. C. (2013). Induction of HO-1 through p38 MAPK/Nrf2 signaling pathway by ethanol extract of Inula helenium L. reduces inflammation in LPS-activated RAW 264.7 cells and CLP-induced septic mice. Food and chemical toxicology, 55, 386-395. Full Article


Zelenskaya, K. L., Povet’eva, T.N., Pashinskii, V. G., Fomina, T. N., Timina, E. A., & Perova, A. V.(2005). Stress-inducing effect of hypoxia of different origin and its correction with Inula Helenium L. tincture. Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine, 139(4), 414-417. Full Article


Kumar, S., & Fathima, E. (2017). Mirabilis jalapa: Phytochemical screening and anti-stress activity of methanolic leaf extract. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(6),1502-1508. Full Article

Lee, S. G., & Kang, H. (2016). Anti-neuro inflammatory effects of ethanol extract of Inula helenium L (Compositae). Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 15(3), 521-526. Full Article

Albayrak, S., Korkmaz Cinar, A. E.,Paksoy, M. Y., & Aksoy, A. (2015). An investigation on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of four Inula helenium L. taxa. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology (Sciences),39(4), 473-483. Full Article

Wang, J., Zhao, Y. M., Zhang, B., & Guo, C. Y. (2015). Protective effect of total phenolic compounds from inula helenium on hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in sh-sy5y cells. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 77(2), 163. Full Article

Petkova, N., Vrancheva, R., Mihaylova, D., Ivanov, I., Pavlov, A., & Denev, P. (2015). Antioxidant activity and fructan content in root extracts from elecampane (Inula helenium L.). Journal of BioScience & Biotechnology,4(1). Full Article

Spiridon, I., Nechita, C., Niculaua, M., Silion, M., Armatu, A., Teacă, C. A., & Bodîrlău, R. (2013). Antioxidant and chemical properties of Inula helenium root extracts. Open Chemistry, 11(10), 1699-1709. Full Article

Seo, J. Y., Lim, S. S., Kim, J. R.,Lim, J. S., Ha, Y. R., Lee, I. A., ... & Kim, J. S. (2008). Nrf2‐mediated induction of detoxifying enzymes by alantolactone present in Inula helenium. Phytotherapy Research: An International Journal Devoted to Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Natural Product Derivatives, 22(11), 1500-1505. Full Article

Nesterova, I., Zelenskaia, K. L.,Vetoshkina, T. V., Aksinenko, S. G., Gorbacheva, A. V., & Gorbatykh, N. A.(2003). Mechanisms of antistressor activity of Inula helenium preparations. Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia, 66(4), 63-65. Full Article


Khan, I., Khan, U.,Khan, W., Subhan, M., Nawaz, M. A., Pervez, S., ... & Ahmad, S. (2017). Antibacterial and antibiofilm potential of leaves extracts of Mirabilis jalapa L. and Ajuga bracteosa wall. against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pure and Applied Biology (PAB), 6(2), 605-613. Full Article

Stojanović-Radić, Z., Čomić, L., Radulović, N., Blagojević, P., Denić, M., Miltojević, A., ...& Mihajilov-Krstev, T. (2012). Antistaphylococcal activity of Inula helenium L. root essential oil: eudesmane sesquiterpene lactones induce cell membrane damage. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases, 31(6), 1015-1025. Full Article

O’shea, S., Lucey,B., & Cotter, L. (2009). In vitro activity of Inula helenium against clinical Staphylococcus aureus strains including MRSABritish journal of biomedical science66(4),186-189. Full Article


Konishi, T., Shimada, Y., Nagao, T., Okabe, H., & Konoshima, T. (2002). Antiproliferative sesquiterpene lactones from the roots of Inula helenium. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 25(10), 1370-1372. Full Article


Akthar, J. (2016). An antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Inula helenium. Technology, 2(3). Full Article

DIGUȚĂ,C., Cornea, C. P., IONIȚĂ, L., BRÎNDUȘE, E., FARCAȘ, N., Bobit, D., & Matei, F. (2014). Studies on antimicrobial activity of Inula helenium L Romanian cultivar. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 19(5), 9699. Full Article

Deriu, A., Zanetti, S., Sechi, L. A., Marongiu, B., Piras, A., Porcedda, S., & Tuveri, E. (2008). Antimicrobial activity of Inula helenium L. essential oil against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and Candida spp. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 31(6), 588-590. Full Article


Grigore, A., Neagu, G., Dobre, N., Ionita, C., Ionita, L., & Bobit, D. (2016). Immunomodulatory potential of Inula Helenium L. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii" Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi, 62(2), 29. Full Article

Wound Healing

Butko, А. Y. (2013). Experimental studies of the wound-healing action of Inula helenium and Inula britannica thick extracts on the conventional injury model (phantom) in rats. Клінічна фармація, (17,№ 4), 34-37. Full Article

Medicinal Properties
[other journals]

Medical Conditions [other journals]


Conference Presentations

Cowden Support Program for Lyme: Observational Study – Dublin, Ireland – June, 2012 Armin Schwarzbach, MD PhD Full Video

Patient Reports

"Has helped tremendously with my Lyme Disease." -D.M.

"This is the best defense for my bouts with Lyme Disease.  I know the medical industry doesn't want to hear about natural products, but they don't have anything that is as effective!"-A. M.

“Had a terrible virus for weeks and Enula Microbial Defense by NutraMedix helped boost my immune system and my energy level has returned to normal.” – G.L

“Enula drops are now part of my son's regimen along with traditional antibiotics. He has not gotten sick, even though a virus and the flu are rampant here. I am pleased with Enula Microbial Defense.” – B.B

"Doctor prescribed this to help fight a tick-borne infection in addition to antibiotics. So far so good." -T.N.

Dosage Information

30 drops twice daily in 4 oz. of water daily (start with 1 drop in 4 oz. of water adding a drop with each dose as tolerated).


Safety Information

An acute oral toxicity study was conducted by the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador concluding that Banderol did not produce toxic effects, thus the product is considered practically innocuous for humans when administered in the acute form. Therefore; studies of acute toxicity at higher doses in humans are not necessary. Full Article

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Enula: Antioxidant (leaf)

Mirabilis jalapa (M. jalapa) is widely used as a traditional medicine in the treatment of various ailments. In the present study we aimed to evaluate the phytochemical constituents and anti-stress activity of the methanolic extract of aerial parts of M. jalapa. T.

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Enula: Malaria (animal)

Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae) and Mirabilis jalapa L. (Nyctaginaceae) are medicinal plants used extensively in almost all folklore remedies around the world to treat malaria. This experiment investigated the effects of M. charantia L. and M. jalapa L. on malaria in a 4-day suppressive test.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Wound healing

Currently, in order to prevent and treat diseases of various etiology, including eco-logically causative agents, medi-cines based on such biologically active substances as polyphenols and polysaccharides have become common at the pharmaceutical market.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Immunomodulating

Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae) is a widely occurring perennial herb in Europe and East Asia. Its active components belong mostly to sesquiterpene lactones class - eudesmanolides (alantolactone, isoalantolactone, 4α,5α-Epoxyalantolactone, diplophyllin) and germacranolides (isocostunolide) (Seca et al., 2014) being used as anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer agents.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antioxidant (SH-SY5Y)

Inula helenium has been reported to contain a large amount of phenolic compounds, which have shown promise in scavenging free radicals and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antioxidant (neuro)

Inula helenium, also known as elecampane, is commonly found in China. In traditional medicine, it is extensively used primarily for treatment of abdominal pain, emesis, diarrhea, and threatened abortion.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antioxidant (fructan)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the antioxidant activity and fructans content in ethanol and water extracts of roots of elecampane (Inula helenium L.), a Bulgarian medicinal plant.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antioxidant (four)

The antioxidant activities of methanol (ME), ethanol (EE), water (WE) and ethyl acetate (EAE) extracts of four Inula helenium L. taxa (I. helenium ssp. orygalis (Boiss.) Grierson, I. helenium ssp. pseudohelenium Grierson, I. helenium ssp. turcarasemosa Grierson and I. helenium ssp. vanensis Grierson) were investigated.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antimicrobial (romanian)

This study was carried out to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activities of dried roots of a Romanian indigenous population of Inula helenium L. The powdered dried root of the plant was extracted in ethanol (using 30%, 50% and 70% v/v).

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antimicrobial (bacteria)

The antioxidant activities of methanol (ME), ethanol (EE), water (WE) and ethyl acetate (EAE) extracts of four Inula helenium L. taxa (I. helenium ssp. orygalis (Boiss.) Grierson, I. helenium ssp. pseudohelenium Grierson, I. helenium ssp. turcarasemosa Grierson and I. helenium ssp. vanensis Grierson) were investigated.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Rheumatoid arthritis

nula helenium L. is an herb with anti-inflammatory properties. Sesquiterpene lactones (SLs), mainly alantolactone (AL) and isoalantolactone (IAL), are considered as its active ingredients. However, the anti-inflammatory effects of SL-containing extracts of I. helenium have not been explored.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Psychophysiological disorders

In traditional systems of medicine, Inula helenium root is widely used for the management of various ailments. The present work investigates the effect of inhalation of essential oil from the root of I. helenium on electroencephalographic (EEG) activity of the human brain.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Atopic dermatitis

Inula helenium L. is an herb whose anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to its active components, the sesquiterpene lactones (SLs). Our previous study demonstrated that the total sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Inula helenium L. (TSL-IHL), consisting mainly of alantolactone (AL) and isoalantolactone (IAL), may have potential in the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

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Enula: Ipomea Jalapa - Antioxidant (leaf)

This is one of the first studies reporting the anti-stress property of M. jalapa using Drosophila melanogaster where different groups were assayed for stress related marker enzymes like SOD and CAT. The activity in stress induced flies has increased compared to that of control flies.

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Enula: Ipomea Jalapa - Antibacterial

In the Present study the antibacterial and antibiofilm potential of Mirabilis jalapa and Ajuga bracteosa crude methanolic extracts of leaves against P1, P2 and P3 clinical strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was explored. Antibacterial activity was investigated by agar well diffusion method and the antibiofilm potential was determined by Anti-Pellicle assay and exopolysaccharide inhibition (EI) by Congo red (CR) assay.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Cancer (STAT)

Sesquiterpene lactones are bioactive compounds that have been identified as responsible for the anticancer activity of the medicinal herb, Inula helenium L. (IHL). However, themechanisms of action involved in the anti‑pancreatic cancer activity of IHL have yet to be elucidated. The present study used an optimized extraction strategy to obtain sesquiterpene lactones from IHL (the resulting product termed ethyl acetate extract of IHL; EEIHL), and examined the potential mechanisms involved in the anti‑pancreatic cancer activity of EEIHL.

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Enula: Inula helenium - Antioxidant (U-87)

The aim of this study is to explore the antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of aqueous extract from aerial parts of Inula helenium (L.) against human U‑87 MG glioma cell line.‍

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Enula: Antitumour Activities of Sesquiterpene Lactones

Eight sesquiterpene lactones were isolated from the roots of Inula helenium and flowers of I. japonica. Among them, isoalantolactone (3) and santamarine (6) exhibited significant growth inhibitory activities against gynecologic cancer cell lines, while others weakly inhibited the growth of the cell lines (IC50 ≤ 100 μM).

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Enula: Ipomea hederacea - Various conditions

Plants are old friends of humans who rely on plants directly or indirectly for food, shelter, aesthetic purposes and for the treatment of diseases. Plants can considered as biological factories for the production of various medicinal compounds. Hence plants enjoy the attraction of common man as well as of the scientific community for investigation, authentication and rationalization of their food and therapeutic effects.

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Enula: Antistressor

In order to evaluate the severity of stress, the effects of single and repeated exposure to hypoxia of different origin (hemic, tissue, and circulatory) on the classical parameters of the Selye triad, cytological characteristics of lymphoid organs, and karyometric parameters (nucleus diameters) were studied in all adrenal zones, and analysis of correlations was carried out.

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Enula: Antiproliferative (Lactones)

Inula helenium (Compositae) is a widely occurring perennial herb in Europe and East Asia. Its roots have been traditionally used as a diaphoresis and a diuretic expectorant agent in Europe, as a fragrance agent for home medicines in Japan, and as agents of tuberculotic enterorrhea, chronic enterogastritis and bronchitis and a preservative in China.

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Enula: Antioxidant (Nrf2)

Chemoprevention has been defined as the use of pharmacologic or natural agents designed to prevent, suppress, or reverse the process of carcinogenesis before the development of malignancy.

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Enula: Antioxidant (Chemical properties)

Plant-derived phenolics receive considerable interest because of their potential antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. These bioactive compounds naturally available from plants have lower potency than ‘allopathic’ drugs, however, as they are traditionally consumed in significant amounts through the diet, they may have a long-term physiological benefits without any harmful side effects.

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Enula: Antineoplastic (Tumor Cell)

In recognition of nature’s potential – and the need to replace drugs that have become ineffective by emerging resistance – several large-scale plant screenings were performed in the 1960s and 1970s.

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Enula: Antimicrobial (Nrf2)

Our previous study showed that a methanol extract of Inula helenium had the potential to induce detoxifying enzymes such as quinone reductase (QR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity.

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Enula: Antimicrobial (Gram-positive)

In this work we report results regarding the in vitro antimicrobial activity of Inula helenium L. dried root extracts obtained by stepwise supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and by hydrodistillation (HD). Inula helenium L. (Compositae family) is a perennial plant widely occurring in Europe and East Asia.

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Enula: Antibacterial (in vitro mrsa)

The present study aims to investigate the bactericidal activity (specifically antistaphylococcal) of Inula helenium. The antimicrobial activity of the extract is tested against 200 clinically significant Irish Staphylococcus aureus isolates consisting of methicillin-resistant (NRSA) and -sensitive (MSSA) S. aureus using drop test method and a microbroth dilution method.

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Enula: Antibacterial (Antistaphylococcal)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the inhibitory/bactericidal activity and cell membrane effects of the hydrodistilled essential oil of Inula helenium L. roots against Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, detailed chemical investigation was done in order to pinpoint the most active oil constituents and also the parts of these molecules responsible for their antimicrobial effect.

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Enula: Anti-inflammatory (HO-1)

It has been shown that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and its byproducts play important roles in the resolution of inflammation. High mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), a non-histone DNA-binding molecule, has been implicated as a multifunctional ubiquitous protein in many eukaryotic cells. HMGB1 was firstly found to be expressed in the nucleus, which regulates the cell cycle, cellular differentiation, and gene transcription.

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Enula: Acute Oral Toxicity

Enula will be used in humans because of the vital importance of carrying out these first-step tests. They will not only guarantee the quality of the product, but will also establish that there are no adverse side effects in humans who take the product.

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