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General Description

Glucomedix Pitch Deck

Burbur - Detox is an extract produced from the leaves of Desmodium molliculum, a perennial plant from South America. The herb in Burbur has been traditionally used for its body cleansing properties. It is very effective in aiding detoxification of the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and the ground matrix.  Burbur is commonly used in conjunction with antimicrobials produced by Nutramedix like Samento, Banderol and Cumanda.  Many health care professionals have reported that Burbur can be used in place of 5 detoxification remedies. In many cases a significant healing crisis (Herxheimer's reaction) can be dramatically reduced or eliminated with the frequent use of Burbur, approximately every 10 minutes.

Some Reported Medicinal Properties



















Research On NutraMedix Product

in vivo – Anti-inflammatory

Establishment of the Potential Anti-inflammatory Effect of the product known as Burbur. The study demonstrated that Burbur had a marked anti-inflammatory effect and was 60% as effective as Feldene, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug also known as PIROXICAM. University of Guayaquil, Department of Chemical Sciences, Guayaquil, Ecuador (2005) Full Article


An acute oral toxicity study was conducted by the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador concluding that Burbur did not produce toxic effects, thus the product is considered practically innocuous for humans when administered in the acute form. Therefore; studies of acute toxicity at higher doses in humans are not necessary. Full Article 

Medical Conditions [peer-reviewed journals]

Medicinal Properties [peer-reviewed journals]


Bussmann, R. W., Sharon, D., Perez, F., Díaz, D., Ford, T., Rasheed, T., & Silva, R. (2008). Antibacterial activity of Northern-Peruvian Medicinal Plants-a low-cost laboratory approach to assess biological activity. Arnaldoa, 15(1), 127-148. Full Article


Lock, O., Castillo, P., Doroteo, V., & Rojas, R. (2005). Antioxidant activity in vitro of selected Peruvian medicinal plants. Acta Horticulturae, 675, 103-106. Full Article


Rojas, R., Bustamante, B., Bauer, J., Fernández, I., Albán, J., & Lock, O. (2003). Antimicrobial activity of selected Peruvian medicinal plants. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 88(2-3), 199-204. Full Article

Medicinal Properties
[other journals]

Medical Conditions [other journals]


Conference Presentations

Patient Reports

"It helps so much with detoxification and herxing. Can't live without it." -P.W.

"Whenever my body and/or my mind feels run down, I make sure that I take Burbur.  It reinvigorates me and allows me to think clearly to be able to do all the things on my to-do list."-M.M.

"It helps to remove toxins and makes me feel better physically." -K.A.

Dosage Information

Put 10 drops in 4 oz. of water and wait one minute before drinking. Take 1 to 2 times daily.
Mild Toxicity: Put 10 drops in 4 oz. of water and wait one minute before drinking. Take 10 drops 3 to 4 times daily. May be taken several times per day as needed.
Moderate to Severe Toxicity and Herxheimer-like Reaction: Put 10 drops in 2 oz. of water and wait one minute before drinking. Take every 15 minutes until feeling better. Can also put 2 droppers full (approximately 60 drops) in at least 16 oz. of water and sip over a 2 hour period, repeating until feeling better.


Safety Information

An acute oral toxicity study was conducted by the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador concluding that Burbur did not produce toxic effects, thus the product is considered practically innocuous for humans when administered in the acute form. Therefore; studies of acute toxicity at higher doses in humans are not necessary.

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Burbur (EC): Toxicity Test 1

OBJECTIVES: To study adverse side effects produced by the administration of Burbur Detox on body weight and different body systems.

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Burbur (EC): Anti-Inflammatory Study (English Translated)

The auricular edema is achieved by applying 12-0- Tetradecanoil Forbol-13 Acetate (TPA), one of the components responsible for the irritating action of croton oil, into the auditory pavilion of the mouse.

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Burbur: Antioxidant

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the in vital antioxidant activity of 40 plants used in Peruvian traditional medicine for the treatment of several infectious and inflammatory disorders. Plants that have been used extensively for the treatment of inflammatory or infectious diseases may contain radical scavengers compounds that could be used as natural antioxidants.

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Burbur: Antimicrobial

In Peru, like in other developing countries, medicinal plants still represent the main therapeutic tool in traditional medicine. The Peruvian flora offers great possibilities for the discovery of new compounds with antimicrobial activity. It is estimated that 17,144 flowering plant species occur in Peru of which 5354 (31.3%) are endemic.

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Burbur: Antibacterial

Peru is a country rich in biodiversity. For millennia native traditional healers have used the rich flora to cure ailments. The same plants are still being used today. Traditional medicine continues to be very popular since a large part of the population has either no access to, or no resources from Western medicine.

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Burbur: Antibacterial Activity

Bacterial infections and inflammation are among the ailments treated by traditional healers. The World Health Organization has expressed high interest in traditional medicine, and it is important to demonstrate scientifically that remedies employed in folk medicine are indeed therapeutically active.

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Burbur Detox: Acute Oral Toxicity

As discussed in numerous international works, the study of acute toxicity is indispensable, and guarantees (within the margin of error associated with the technique) that the potential for toxicity from the compounds that will be ingested or that may enter into the system accidentally will be learned.

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Burbur: Anti-Inflammatory Effect

The auricular edema is achieved by applying 12-0- Tetradecanoil Forbol-13 Acetate (TPA), one of the components responsible for the irritating action of croton oil, into the auditory pavilion of the mouse. The inflammatory reaction consists of erythema, edema and infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. As such, eicosanoid -type mediators are freed, inducing degranulation of the mast cell.

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