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General Description

Glucomedix Pitch Deck

Through broad study, Vitamin D3 has been found to have multiple vital benefits. It provides immune response in up regulating both T and B cells, giving resistance to respiratory tract infections, and a broader immune modulatory effect both in the innate and adaptive immune system, benefitting patients with immune disorders such as Crohn’s, IBS, and UC. It has been shown to decrease the risk of neurological diseases, and has anti-inflammatory properties by decreasing the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Vitamin D3 also helps maintain bone density by promoting calcium and phosphorus absorption, especially in osteoporotic post-menopausal women. It also helps overcome endothelial dysfunction in arterial hypertension.

Studies demonstrate that Vitamin D3 supports the maintenance of normal glucose levels, in addition to promoting a healthy metabolism and immune system. It also has been shown to improve both depression and anxiety.

VitaminK2 – MK7 is a fat-soluble and in the MK7 form gives longer bioavailability in the blood and better support to osteoblasts in the bone matrix. Vitamin K2 reduces the risk of Type II diabetes and helps to reverse insulin resistance with higher insulin sensitivity. It also demonstrates antiproliferative effects in many types of cancer. Vitamin K2 also improves energy levels through assisting in ATP production.

Together, vitamins D3 and K2 – MK7 more effectively help maintain good bone marrow density and cardiovascular health.

Some Reported Medicinal Properties











Research On NutraMedix Product

Medical Conditions [peer-reviewed journals]


Hussein, A. G., Mohamed, R. H., Shalaby, S. M., & El Motteleb, D. M. A. (2018). Vitamin K2 alleviates type 2 diabetes in rats by induction of osteocalcin gene expressionNutrition47, 33-38. Full Article

Li, Y., peng Chen, J., Duan, L.,& Li, S. (2018). Effect of vitamin K2 on type 2 diabetes mellitus: A reviewDiabetes research and clinical practice136, 39-51. Full Article


Dragh, M. A., Xu, Z., Al-Allak, Z.S., & Hong, L. (2017). Vitamin K2 prevents lymphoma in Drosophila. Scientific reports7(1),1-15. Full Article


Iwamoto, J., Takeda, T., &Ichimura, S. (2003). Treatment with vitamin D3 and/or vitamin K2 for postmenopausal osteoporosis. TheKeio journal of medicine52(3), 147-150. Full Article

Kodama, Y., Okamoto, Y., Kubota, T., Hiroyama, Y., Fukami, H., Matsushita, K., & Kawano, Y. (2017). Effectiveness of vitamin K2 on osteoporosis in adults with cerebral palsy. Brain and Development39(10), 846-850. Full Article

Respiratory Tract Infection

Sacks, H. S. (2017). In children and adults, vitamin D3 supplementation reduces risk for acute respiratory tract infectionAnnals of internal medicine166(10), JC51-JC51. Full Article

Medicinal Properties [peer-reviewed journals]


He, C. S., Fraser, W. D., Tang, J., Brown, K., Renwick, S., Rudland-Thomas, J., ... & Gleeson, M. (2016). The effect of 14 weeks of vitamin D3 supplementation on antimicrobial peptides and proteins in athletesJournal of sports sciences34(1), 67-74. Full Article


Narula, N., Cooray, M., Anglin, R., Muqtadir, Z.,Narula, A., & Marshall, J. K. (2017). Impact of high-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in patients with Crohn’s disease in remission: a pilot randomized double-blind controlled study. Digestive diseases and sciences, 62(2), 448-455. Full Article


Grübler, M. R., Gaksch, M., Kienreich, K., Verheyen, N.D., Schmid, J., Müllner, C., ... & Meinitzer, A. (2018). Effects ofVitamin D3 on asymmetric-and symmetric dimethylargininein arterial hypertension. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology175, 157-163. Full Article


Myneni, V. D., & Mezey, E. (2018). Immunomodulatory effect of vitamin K2: Implications for bone health. Oraldiseases24(1-2), 67-71. Full Article

Szymczak, I., & Pawliczak, R. (2016). The active metabolite of vitamin D3 as apotential immunomodulator. Scandinavian journal of immunology83(2),83-91. Full Article

Boontanrart, M., Hall, S. D., Spanier, J. A., Hayes, C.E., & Olson, J. K. (2016). Vitamin D3 alters microglia immune activation by an IL-10 dependent SOCS3 mechanism. Journal of neuroimmunology292, 126-136. Full Article

Medicinal Properties
[other journals]

Medical Conditions [other journals]


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Vitamin K2 & D3: Osteoporosis (postmenopausal)

It is established in Japan that treatment with 1a-hydroxyvitamin D3 (alfacalcidol) slightly reduces bone turnover, sustains lumbar bone mineral density (BMD), and prevents osteoporotic vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, while vitamin K2 (menatetrenone) enhances ƒÁ-carboxylation of bone glutamic acid residues and secretion of osteocalcin, sustains lumbar BMD, and prevents osteoporotic fractures in patients with osteoporosis.

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Vitamin K2: Osteoporosis (palsy)

Osteoporosis can lead to spontaneous fractures in adults with cerebral palsy (CP). Undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC) is a useful marker for vitamin K insufficiency in osteoporosis. The primary objective of this study was to determine the effect of vitamin K2 on bone mineral density (BMD) in adults with CP and vitamin K insufficiency

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Vitamin K2: Immunomodulating (bone)

In women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, Vitamin K2 appears to decrease the incidence of hip, vertebral and non-vertebral fractures. Women with post-menopausal osteoporosis have more circulating activated T cells compared to healthy post-menopausal and pre-menopausal women, but the effects of Vitamin K2 on T-cells has not been studied. In this study, we have looked at T-cell suppression by Vitamin K2.

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Vitamin K2: Diabetes (mellitus)

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) continue to be a major public health problem around the world that frequently presents with microvascular and macrovascular complications. Individuals with T2DM are not only suffering from significant emotional and physical misery, but also at increased risk of dying from severe complications.

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Vitamin K2: Diabetes (induction)

The biological mechanisms behind the association between vitamin K (Vit K) and glucose metabolism are uncertain. We aimed to analyze the expression of insulin 1 (Ins 1), insulin 2 (Ins 2) and cyclin D2, the expression of adiponectin and UCP-1 .

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Vitamin K2: Cancer (Drosophila)

Previous studies have established the anticancer efect of vitamin K2 (VK2). However, its efect on lymphoma induced by UBIAD1/heix mutation in Drosophila remains unknown. Therefore, we aimed to develop an in vivo model of lymphoma for the precise characterization of lymphoma phenotypes.

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Vitamin D3: Respiratory (reduce)

Included studies compared oral vitamin D3 supplementation with placebo, had research ethics approval, and prospectively collected data on ARTIs as a prespecified efficacy outcome.

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Vitamin D3: Immunomodulating (SOCS3)

Microglia become activated immune cells during infection or disease in the central nervous system (CNS). However, the mechanisms that down regulate activated microglia to prevent immune-mediated damage are not completely understood.

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Vitamin D3: Immunomodulating (Active)

In the past, vitamin D was known for its classical, skeletal action as a regulator of calcium and bone homoeostasis. Currently, vitamin D was found to have a role in numerous physiological processes in the human body; thus, vitamin D has pleiotropic activity.

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Vitamin D3: Hypertension (symmetric)

Accumulating evidence has proposed a correlation between vitamin D (25(OH)D) insufficiency and cardiovascular (CV) disease. Vitamin D associated effects on endothelial function have been suggested to be a possible culprit. The present study investigated the association of vitamin D3 treatment on markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension.

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Vitamin D3: Gastrointestinal (Crohns)

Aim To assess the tolerability and efficacy of high-dose vitamin D3 in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). Methods This was a randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial of high-dose vitamin D3 at 10,000 IU daily (n = 18) compared to 1000 IU daily (n = 16) for 12 months in patients with CD in remission. The primary outcome was change in serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels. Secondary outcomes included clinical relapse rates and changes in mood scores.

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Vitamin D3: Antimicrobial (proteins)

Heavy training is associated with increased respiratory infection risk and antimicrobial proteins are important in defense against oral and respiratory tract infections. We examined the effect of 14 weeks of vitamin D3 supplementation (5000 IU/ day) on the resting plasma cathelicidin concentration and the salivary secretion rates of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), cathelicidin, lactoferrin and lysozyme in athletes during a winter training period.

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